Swiss Dots

Tuesday, October 30, 2012




When in Doubt...

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Le Darks

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


As I get older I appreciate a well stocked bar cart, and what better way to stock it than cute bottles!  here are some great looking bottles of your dark alcohols... do you stock your bar based on cuteness of the bottles as well, or any I on my own on this one?

How to Pack Light

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I am off to Miami and Denver for the next week (half work half pleasure).  It doesn't help that not only are the climates polar opposites but one calls for suits while the other calls for leggings and baggy shirts!  Packing is something I have seemed to master over the years, and something I have learn to pride myself on (rarely do I ever check a bag!) But Travelista had some great ways to help you pack light!!

If you have a trip coming up I recommend trying out some of these tips, if not save it for your next trip!

Best of Target X Neiman Marcus

Thursday, October 18, 2012

{Images via Fashionista}
I don't know about you but I am a huge fan of the made for target lines... I haven't gotten some pretty amazing things!  When I heard that Neimans was doing a line for Target this summer I didn't think it could be true! Yesterday 52 of the pieces were released and my assumptions were right... this is going to be very dangerous!! Hopefully all the stuff doesn't sell out as quickly as it usually does!

Sole Society Lovin

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I don't know if I am just way late in the game or this is a new discovery but Sole Society is amazing!  The shoes are extremely affordable and so cute! Last week when I heard about this site I immediately checked out their site which lead me to purchasing a pair of killing shoes (for only $30).  If you are in the market for some new shoes or if you just love a fun pair of shoes I would head on over and check out their selection... you will not be disappointed!

Use code OCTSHOP20 to get $20 off your first purchase!

DIY Bachelorette Party

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This past weekend I was in Nashville celebrating my sister's bachelorette weekend.  I took this opportunity to get some crafting time in.  If you have a bachelorette party (or really any party) coming up, grab some burlap, glitter, string and your all set! It really make an event or party that much more personal when you take the time to make all the decorations yourself.  Yes, it is a lot more time consuming but I would say 100% worth the time!  

Do you prefer to go out and buy all decorations or create your own?

Off to Nashville

Friday, October 12, 2012




For a weekend of bachelorette fun!  I have been waiting and planning and crafting for this weekend for some time now... it's hard to believe it's finally here!! It is the start of the fun (chaos) that is about to kick in high gear as the wedding is creeping on forward! But I can't wait to go celebrate my big sis with a great group of girls!!

On The Hunt For More Letterpress

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Something that I have wanted to learn for a long time now is Letterpress.  There is something about the history behind the Gutenberg machine that just fascinates me! The only problem is since the machines are so old they are hard to come by these days. I am constantly on the lookout for a letterpress class I can take just to get to experience working with such an old machine (and the end result isn't that bad either!) 

I don't know though after all this hype I have built up in my head if it will be all that I am expecting... Have any of you had the privilege of taking a Letterpress class or working with one of the machines? I want to know if I need to continue my search or is it time to move on?

The Happiness Project and The Next 12 Months

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Last night I had the privildegde of hearing Gretchen Rubin talk at Warwick's in La Jolla. I have read and reread Gretchen's The Happiness Project multiple times and was so excited to hear her talk in person!  If you have not read or heard of this book I would recomend finding it and reading it ASAP.  It is really an eye opener for your life and really makes you stop and think are you living the life you want to be living.  You may not be unhappy at all, but there is so much more you could be doing.  The whole basis of the book is based on Gretchen's 12 Commandments, one for each month of the year.  So I decided I was going to create my own 12 Commandments to live out the new 12 months, so here they are:
1. Live in the moment
2. Appreciate the little things in life
3. Take care of yourself
4. Make time for others
5. Reflect
6. Give back
7. Do what makes you happy
8. Appreciate
9. Love
10. Stop thinking and do
11. Laugh
12. Be you
What would your 12 Commandmants be if you had to choose 12 for the next year of your life? 

Bringing Vintage into Your Daily Routine

Monday, October 8, 2012

With all the amazing new jewelry I find on a daily basis I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I am such a fan of mixing old jewelry with new jewelery.  This could be partly because I have so much old vintage jewelry.  So why not take some vintage jewelry and really bring it to life!

So this weekend while at the Flea Market I picked up a vintage bracelet and went to work!  I picked out the nail polish colors I wanted to use ( I am a sucker for anything Essie).  After picking out two colors (I went with Mint Candy Apple and Mochacino) up next was figuring out the pattern.  I also like to leave some of the stones unpolished to add a little spunk to the mix!

The best part about these is that you can wear multiple at a time or customize them if you need a specific color for a specific event! I am not going to lie it is going to be hard to go to the flea market looking for more of these antique bracelets to color! Do you like mix old and new jewelry or do you stick with all the same era?

Ready for the season...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall is my favorite time of year, I cant wait to kick it all off with Halloween!  It's time to kick it in high gear and get the house decorated!



The Great Debate

Saturday, October 6, 2012





Saw That... Made This

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


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