Bringing Vintage into Your Daily Routine

Monday, October 8, 2012

With all the amazing new jewelry I find on a daily basis I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I am such a fan of mixing old jewelry with new jewelery.  This could be partly because I have so much old vintage jewelry.  So why not take some vintage jewelry and really bring it to life!

So this weekend while at the Flea Market I picked up a vintage bracelet and went to work!  I picked out the nail polish colors I wanted to use ( I am a sucker for anything Essie).  After picking out two colors (I went with Mint Candy Apple and Mochacino) up next was figuring out the pattern.  I also like to leave some of the stones unpolished to add a little spunk to the mix!

The best part about these is that you can wear multiple at a time or customize them if you need a specific color for a specific event! I am not going to lie it is going to be hard to go to the flea market looking for more of these antique bracelets to color! Do you like mix old and new jewelry or do you stick with all the same era?
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